Tuesday 22 September 2009

Existence of Norwegian minestry of propaganda of meteorlogy

Winter is drawing near....actually, autumn (but really, it feels like winter) and I am now sure that deep within the Norwegian government there is a highly secret ministry - called Ministry of Propaganda of Meteorology. The job of this top secret government office is to convince people that it is warmer and nicer then it actually is. They control all thermometers and temperature signs in Norway. I would say that is usually at least 5 degrees more then it is - when THEY say it's 18 I need a fleece jacket. But you see people believe it - it's indoctrinated into people's mind from when they haven't even opened their eyes. They are dragged behind sleighs, thrown in the snow, taken outside when the sun peeps through the clouds - and are told it is a nice day. But not me, I know they are there....and I want to uncover this propaganda.

More will be revealed later...

1 comment:

  1. your probably on to somthing, hmmmmmm, i think i start to feel the cold to. Looking forward to the rest, or parhaps not.
    If i realy start to believe this i have to move down to Malaysia. Then again, i remeber that i actually enjoyd my stay there.
    Pathfinder thru life
