Monday 14 September 2009

Election day - a day of peace and dignity

"I dag får du

ikke kjøpt


Hvorfor??? «Ro og verdighet» This was a reminder on "Aftenposten" the Norwegian newspaper.

Today Monday 14th September 2009 (and yesterday Sunday) was election day(s) here in Norway. And you can't buy alcohol....I'm sorry :-( The reason is to keep "ro og verdighet" (peace and dignity) opposed to other days? This has been law since you can see, only recently updated!!!! Surely, are Norwegians mad enough to go totally crazy on election day. It is one of those days that Norwegians should flag - but I think we were the only ones to do it - so I don't think people are that crazy.... How was it before 1920....did mad Norwegians storm the streets, drunk and without dignity celebrating or drowning their sorrows.

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